People on Twitter seemed to be having a field-day with the announcement that New York Governor Andrew Cuomo is resigning, as the disgraced governor faced the end of his long political career.
Some joked about what's next for the soon-to-be ex-governor, with many joking he will be hired by CNN to work alongside his brother, Chris, while others just made light of the fact that he is leaving amid reports that he sexually harassed 11 women while in office.
Anna Sanders, a senior reporter at Law360, joked on Tuesday: 'Cuomo will probably get $6 million for his next book "If I Did It: All Things Possible,"' a nod to the infamous OJ Simpson book, while Elijah Schaffer, a reporter for The Blaze posted a video of Orthodox Jews dancing a party, calling it a 'live look at New Yorker’s celebrating Andrew Cuomo’s resignation.'
One woman also wrote that Cuomo is not 'NY Tough,' as he would tout in his coronavirus press conferences, but rather, 'NY Touch,' while L.A.S. joked that he is going to start saying 'Cuomo no after I do something Italian.'
Jack Straw noted that this is the third time Ronan Farrow brought about someone's downfall, with a picture of the grim reaper coming for Harvey Weinstein, Matt Lauer and now Cuomo, and Amy Maurer posted a picture of Cuomo's face pasted over Hugh Grant's in the 'Two Weeks Notice' movie poster.

Ryan Davis joked that disgraced Governor Andrew Cuomo will be hired by CNN following his resignation announcement Tuesday, writing on Twitter: 'The Cuomo Brothers debuts in 15 days only on CNN'

Twitter erupted with memes in the wake of Governor Andrew Cuomo's announcement that he would resign in two weeks amid reports that he sexually harassed 11 women while in office
Siraj Hashmi, meanwhile, tweeted: 'We smokin' that Cuomo pack tonight,' and Dave Pell joking that Cuomo is now 'perfectly positioned become the GOP presidential candidate.'
Josemaria Piulada put up a picture of Cuomo as if he were a football player with a background saying he is 'out indefinitely' for sexual harassment, and a man with the username MAGA Beard wrote that Cuomo is on the naughty list this year.
Another user named Dylan made fun of people who once described themselves as 'Cuomosexuals,' while one named Heidi posted a gif of Elaine from Seinfeld pushing Kramer out the door with the caption: 'New Yorkers to Cuomo.'
Michael Tannenbaum joked that Cuomo was using 'the Silvio defense' as he denied allegations of sexual harassment, with a photo of Silvio Dante from the Sopranos saying, 'It's anti-Italian discrimination.'
The Onion, a satire website, wrote that Cuomo apologized 'for his role in hiring so many crazy liars who sabotaged his political career,' while Josh Gondelman, a former writer for Last Week Tonight, remarked that Chris Cuomo will have nothing to say on his show tonight and Tracy posted a video of construction workers setting fire to debris with the caption: 'Live shot of CNN getting rid of all the Cuomo interviews and love shots from archives.'
The '1776 Project' also tweeted a picture of Chris and Andrew photoshopped over Will Ferrell and John C. Reilly, calling them the 'Step-down Brothers,' while another user posted a meme joking that a new Cuomo variant of the coronavirus is dangerous to young women and fatal to the elderly.
Someone else joked that Cuomo was singing the opening line to Frank Sinatra's 'New York, New York:' 'Start spreading the news, I'm leaving today,' and Rebecca Fishbein, an author, joked that it is 'kind of incredible that after all the trend pieces, the only person having a hot vax summer is Bill de Blasio,' the mayor of New York City and an outspoken Cuomo critic.
And Ben Shapiro said: 'In order for true justice to be done, Cuomo ought to have to resign alone in a hospital room without any access to family.'

Asaad Hanna wrote that he was concerned about the governor, posting a picture of 'Governor of New York' now accepting applications on LinkedIn.
But others had some ideas where the disgraced governor can go now, with Hard Drive Magazine joking that Cuomo accepted a leadership position at Activision Blizzard, which has come under fire in recent weeks for the way it treats its female employees, and many others suggested Cuomo would be hired by CNN.
The Babylon Bee, another satire site, wrote that he was immediately hired by the cable news network, while Ryan Davis joked that 'The Cuomo Bros debuts in 15 days only on CNN.'
And Mike Davis, told the governor not to despair as CNN 'hires disgraced ex-New York governors who resign amid sex scandals,' along with a photo of former Governor Elliot Spitzer appearing on the channel.
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Many joked that Cuomo will now be hired to work on CNN alongside his brother, Chris
In his resignation address on Tuesday morning in New York City, Cuomo once again insisted he is innocent and has never groped anyone in response to a damning report by Attorney General Letitia James, which labeled him a serial sexual harasser.
He said, though, that he would still step down from his position as governor, bringing an end to his 40-year political career, and addressed his three daughters, calling them his 'jewels' and saying he had 'made mistakes and learned from them', but insisting he was not the serial abuser the report made him out to be.
'In many ways I see the world through the eyes of my daughters, Cara, Mariah and Michaela. They are 26 and 26, twins, and 23. I have lived this experience with and through them. I have sat on the couch with them hearing the ugly accusations for weeks. I've seen the look in their eyes and expression in their faces and it hurt.
'I want my three jewels to know this: my greatest goal is for them to have a better future than the generations of women before them. It is still in many ways a man's world. It always has been. We have sexism that is culturized and institutionalized.
'My daughters have more talent and natural gifts than I ever had. I want to make sure that society allows them to fly as high as their wings will carry them. There should be no assumptions, stereotypes or limitations.
'I want them to know from the bottom of my heart that I never did or would intentionally disrespect a woman or treat any woman differently than I would want them treated. And that is the god's honest truth.
'Your dad made mistakes and he apologized and he learned from it. That's what life is all about.'

Cuomo resigned in a televised speech on Tuesday as he denied the reports he sexually harassed 11 women while in office
'You know me, I am New Yorker, born and bred, I am a fighter.
My instinct is to fight through this controversy because I truly believe it is politically motivated.
I believe it is unfair and untruthful and I believe it demonizes behavior that is unsustainable for society. If I could communicate the facts through the frenzy, New Yorkers would understand.
But when I took my oath as governor, I became a fighter but I became a fighter for you and it is your best interest that I must serve.
This situation, by its current trajectory, will generate months of political and legal controversy. That is what is going to happen. That is how the political wind is blowing. It will consume government, cost taxpayers millions of dollars, it will brutalize people.
The State Assembly outlined weeks of process that will then lead to months of litigation.
Time and money that government should spend managing COVID, guarding against the Delta variant, reopening up state, fighting gun violence, and saving New York City.
All that time would be wasted... government really needs to function today. Government needs to perform. It is a matter of life and death. Wasting energy on distractions is the last thing state government should be doing.
I cannot be the cause of that.... given the circumstances, the best way I can help now is if I step aside and let government get back to government.'
'In many ways I see the world through the eyes of my daughters, Cara, Mariah and Michaela. They are 26 and 26, twins, and 23. I have lived this experience with and through them. I have sat on the couch with them hearing the ugly accusations for weeks. I've seen the look in their eyes and expression in their faces and it hurt.
'I want my three jewels to know this: my greatest goal is for them to have a better future than the generations of women before them. It is still in many ways a man's world. It always has been. We have sexism that is culturized and institutionalized.
'My daughters have more talent and natural gifts than I ever had. I want to make sure that society allows them to fly as high as their wings will carry them. There should be no assumptions, stereotypes or limitations.
'I want them to know from the bottom of my heart that I never did or would intentionally disrespect a woman or treat any woman differently than I would want them treated. And that is the god's honest truth.
'Your dad made mistakes and he apologized and he learned from it. That's what life is all about.'
<!- - ad: - ->AdvertisementThe first half of his speech was devoted to undermining the AG's report and explaining why he thought his behavior was acceptable.
'The report said I sexually harassed 11 women. The reaction was outrage. It should have been. However it was also false.
'My lawyers have reviewed the report and raised serious issues and flaws that should concern all New Yorkers.
'When there is a lack of fairness it is a concern for everyone. The most serious allegations made against me have no credible factual basis. There is a difference between alleged improper conduct and concluding sexual misconduct. This is not to say there are not 11 women who I truly offended.
'There are and for that I deeply, deeply apologize.'
He went on to say that he thought a hug was 'friendly' and kissing women on the cheeks at weddings was 'being nice'.
He then launched into his resignation, saying: 'You know me, I am New Yorker, born and bred, I am a fighter.
'My instinct is to fight through this controversy because I truly believe it is politically motivated.
'I believe it is unfair and untruthful and I believe it demonizes behavior that is unsustainable for society.
'If I could communicate the facts through the frenzy, New Yorkers would understand.
'But when I took my oath as governor, I became a fighter but I became a fighter for you and it is your best interest that I must serve.
'This situation, by its current trajectory, will generate months of political and legal controversy. That is what is going to happen. That is how the political wind is blowing.
'It will consume government, cost taxpayers millions of dollars, it will brutalize people.
'The State Assembly outlined weeks of process that will then lead to months of litigation.
'Time and money that government should spend managing COVID, guarding against the Delta variant, reopening up state, fighting gun violence, and saving New York City.
'All that time would be wasted... government really needs to function today. Government needs to perform. It is a matter of life and death. Wasting energy on distractions is the last thing state government should be doing.
'I cannot be the cause of that.... given the circumstances, the best way I can help now is if I step aside and let government get back to government.
Cuomo had been facing impeachment by the New York State Assembly - a process that would have taken months and, he said, cost millions in precious tax payer dollars.
The Judiciary Committee investigating him wasn't just looking at the sexual harassment claims, but also his handling of nursing home deaths in COVID-19, whether he used state resources write and promote his book, or if he gave his family early access to COVID-19 tests when they were hard to come by.
The sexual harassment allegations began last December with the tweets of Lindsey Boylan, a former staffer who says he made inappropriate remarks to her.
The most serious allegation is that of Brittany Commisso, who says he groped her breast in the Executive Mansion in November 2020.
Cuomo denies her claim but he admitted making inappropriate comments to some of the women, saying it's his way of speaking to people.
On Tuesday he specifically apologized to the state trooper who says he 'touched her belly' and ran his finger down her back and said if he did ever touch her, it was his way of thanking her for her service.
He went on to suggest that #MeToo has gone too far and that he didn't understand what would now be considered inappropriate.
'In my mind, I've never crossed the line with anyone but I didn't realize the extent to which the line has been redrawn.
'There are generational and cultural shifts that I just didn't fully appreciate. And I should have. No excuses,' he said.