(0:00) An absolutely shocking story -- handicapped Olympian Oscar Pistorious is charged with murdering his girlfriend. We'll tell you why you shouldn't convict him quite yet.
(5:00) Audio recordings reveal police purposely set the cabin that Christopher Dorner was holed up in on fire. Was it the right call?
(10:00) Chris Brown is heckled outside of a club -- was he stupid to yell back at the guy.
(14:15) Australian hurdler Michelle Jenneke -- famous for her sexy pre-race dance -- joins the show to talk about her unbelievably sexy new Sports Illustrated photo shoot.
(18:00) Chubby Checker is pissed off an an app called "The Chubby Checker" -- which claims to be able to judge a man's penis length by the size of his shoe. Chubby calls in to vent his frustration.
(24:00) Lil Wayne drops a really offensive lyric about Emmett Till -- the Black teenager who was brutally beaten to death in 1955 for whistling at a white lady.
(28:00) Lena Dunham's show "Girls" is being put on blast by the guys in the newsroom ... you gotta hear what they think is wrong with the show.
(32:00) Rapper Eve doesn't think Britney Spears actually sings on her track with Will.I.Am ... take a listen and judge for yourself.
(34:00) A brutal fight on "For Love & Hip Hop" -- and we have video of it.
(36:00) The floor is yours!
(41:00) It's once again time for ... Tim's rejected pitches!