How old is Sylvester Turner? When is Sylvester Turner's birthday? Where is Sylvester Turner born? Where did Sylvester Turner grow up from? What's Sylvester Turner's age?
Sylvester Turner Born: 1954 (age 69years), Houston, TX
Is Sylvester Turner married? When did Sylvester Turner get married? Who's Sylvester Turner's married to? (Who's Sylvester Turner's husband / wife)?
Sylvester Turner Spouse: Cheryl Turner (m. 19831991)
How about Sylvester Turner's sibling?
Sylvester Turner Sibling: Alfred Turner
How about Sylvester Turner's education?
Sylvester Turner Education: Harvard Law School (1980), Klein High School (1973), University of Houston
How about Sylvester Turner's nationality?
Sylvester Turner Nationality: American
How about Sylvester Turner's party?
Sylvester Turner Party: Democratic Party
How about Sylvester Turner's current position?
Sylvester Turner Current position: Mayor of Houston since 2016
How many terms can Houston mayor serve?
State Sen. John Whitmire has defeated U.S. Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee in a landslide victory to serve as the next mayor of Houston \u2014 the largest city in Texas and the fourth most populous in the country. The Associated Press called the election for Whitmire at 7:24 p.m. Saturday, less than half an hour after polls closed.
When was the last Republican mayor of Houston?
State Sen. John Whitmire has defeated U.S. Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee in a landslide victory to serve as the next mayor of Houston \u2014 the largest city in Texas and the fourth most populous in the country. The Associated Press called the election for Whitmire at 7:24 p.m. Saturday, less than half an hour after polls closed.
What is Sylvester Turner known for?
State Sen. John Whitmire has defeated U.S. Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee in a landslide victory to serve as the next mayor of Houston \u2014 the largest city in Texas and the fourth most populous in the country. The Associated Press called the election for Whitmire at 7:24 p.m. Saturday, less than half an hour after polls closed.
Who is the next mayor of Houston?
State Sen. John Whitmire has defeated U.S. Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee in a landslide victory to serve as the next mayor of Houston \u2014 the largest city in Texas and the fourth most populous in the country. The Associated Press called the election for Whitmire at 7:24 p.m. Saturday, less than half an hour after polls closed.