Mystery bird: brown-throated parakeet, Aratinga pertinax
This article is more than 12 years oldThis small South American mystery bird is unusual among its relatives because it prefers to nest in termite nests that are located in treesBrown-throated parakeet, Aratinga pertinax (protonym, Psittacus pertinax), also known by aviculturists as the brown-throated conure (pronounced "con YUR"), photographed at Cartagena, Colombia (South America).
Image: Kevin Sharp [velociraptorize].
Question: This common South American mystery bird has a very unusual nesting behaviour compared to other species in the same taxonomic group. What is that behaviour? Can you name this species?
Response: This is a brown-throated parakeet, Aratinga pertinax, a small monomorphic parrot. This small South American parrot is identified by its long pointed tail, powerful hooked bill that is blackish grey in colour and primarily green plumage. The head has variable amounts of brown or orange, and the eye-ring and forehead colours are also variable. Based on these plumage differences, there are 14 recognised subspecies of this widespread parrot. Further, there are three geographically disjunct populations. One of these disjunct populations occurs in Panama and Costa Rica and is sometimes elevated to full species status, A. ocularis -- commonly known as the Veraguas parakeet.
The brown-throated parakeet has been introduced into a number of Caribbean islands, particularly St Thomas where it appears to be doing well, which explains the etymology of several of its alternate common names; the Caribbean or St Thomas parakeet.
The brown-throated parakeet is unusual among the Aratinga because in the wild, it typically nests in a termite mound located in a tree. It will also nest in rock crevices and will burrow in banks when an arboreal termitarium is not available. This species accepts wooden nest boxes and breeds readily in captivity. Domestically-bred and raised individuals make intelligent and affectionate pets.
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