A pitbull called Akira has melted hearts all over the internet after a video of her going on a walk wearing Crocs went viral on social media this week.
In the viral clip, shared on TikTok by the dog's owner, under the username Akirablackpit, Akira can be seen going on a walk around town with her mom wearing a pair of pink Crocs, as people walking by stop to admire how cute she looks.
A passerby who immediately noticed Akira's boots couldn't help but stop her and compliment her look. He can be heard saying: "I like your booties."

The hilarious clip, which has been reshared thousands of times, comes with a caption that says: "They are a showstopper! and yes she is carrying her chew."
Akira's owner told Newsweek: "Akira is a fashion icon and a trendsetter! She was the first Pit Bull to go viral with her dog crocs. I first bought them for her so she could work during the summer. Besides being a fashion icon she is also my service dog and does great at breaking stereotypes. Her signature look is the double bows which I make for her!"
According to Small Door Veterinary, while dog boots aren't always necessary to keep your furbaby's paws safe, there may be times, places, and situations that require it, for example during extremely hot or snowy weather, when traversing rough terrain, or to protect your dog from allergies or when they have a cut paw.
If your dog has never worn boots before they might need a little bit of training. Before introducing the boots, you should make sure they're OK with you handling their paws, and once they're OK with this you can start introducing the boots.
The best way to get your dog accustomed to their boots is to show them to your dog and let them sniff them, you can then place them next to their food and any favorite items, teaching your pup to create positive associations with their shoes.
They also suggest letting your dog practice walking with their boots inside your home for short periods before taking them out, and only start using them outside when you can tell they're comfortable wearing them. Positive reinforcement is the best way to teach your dog to wear their boots.
The video quickly went viral on social media, getting viewers from across TikTok. It has so far received over 832,300 views and 110,400 likes on the platform.
One user, mycateyes72, commented: "She said don't even think about touching the princess, the way she moves away." And loopythepodenco said: "People who talk to dogs are my fav kind of people."
Mayne Decker wrote: "I would MELT if I saw you in real life with little booties/Crocs on." And Molly Ivy added: "This is the only dog I have seen that can walk in these shoes."
Do you have funny and adorable videos or pictures of your pet you want to share? Send them to life@newsweek.com with some details about your best friend and they could appear in our Pet of the Week lineup.
Uncommon Knowledge
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