How old is Michael Colameco? When is Michael Colameco's birthday? Where is Michael Colameco born? Where did Michael Colameco grow up from? What's Michael Colameco's age?
Michael Colameco Born: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States
Is Michael Colameco married? When did Michael Colameco get married? Who's Michael Colameco's married to? (Who's Michael Colameco's husband / wife)?
Michael Colameco Spouse: Heijung Park-Colameco (m. 1989)
How about Michael Colameco's nationality?
Michael Colameco Nationality: American
What is Mike Colameco doing now?
Michael "Mike" Colameco is the host of "Mike Colameco's Real Food," which airs weekly year-round on Sundays on channel 13WNET and NJTV and CREATE TV nationally; check your local listings.
How old is Mike Colameco?
Mr. Colameco, 49, knows from experience. After a career as a chef in New York, including a stint as the executive chef at the Ritz-Carlton hotel, he and his wife, Heijung Park-Colameco, 53, a pastry chef, opened the Globe Restaurant in West Cape May in 1988.