How old is Haley Kalil? When is Haley Kalil's birthday? Where is Haley Kalil born? Where did Haley Kalil grow up from? What's Haley Kalil's age?
Haley Kalil Born: August 6, 1992 (age 31years), Excelsior, Minnesota, United States
How about Haley Kalil's eye_color?
Haley Kalil Eye_color: Brown
How about Haley Kalil's hair_color?
Haley Kalil Hair_color: Red
How tall is Haley Kalil in meters or centimeters?
Haley Kalil Height: 1.73m
Is Haley Kalil married? When did Haley Kalil get married? Who's Haley Kalil's married to? (Who's Haley Kalil's husband / wife)?
Haley Kalil Spouse: Matt Kalil (m. 20152022)
How about Haley Kalil's education?
Haley Kalil Education: St. Cloud State University, Minnetonka High School
How about Haley Kalil's major_competit?
Haley Kalil Major_competit: Miss Teen USA 2010; (Unplaced); Miss USA 2014; (Top 20)
Is Haley Kalil still married?
The self-proclaimed \u201cnerd\u201d received her bachelor of science degree in biomedical sciences and psychology from St. Cloud State University. She's also the founder of The Nerd Herd, a company focused on empowering women to pursue STEM careers through providing resources, opportunities and education.
How much is Haley Kalil apartment?
The self-proclaimed \u201cnerd\u201d received her bachelor of science degree in biomedical sciences and psychology from St. Cloud State University. She's also the founder of The Nerd Herd, a company focused on empowering women to pursue STEM careers through providing resources, opportunities and education.
What is Haley Kalil famous for?
The self-proclaimed \u201cnerd\u201d received her bachelor of science degree in biomedical sciences and psychology from St. Cloud State University. She's also the founder of The Nerd Herd, a company focused on empowering women to pursue STEM careers through providing resources, opportunities and education.
Does Haley Kalil have a degree?
The self-proclaimed \u201cnerd\u201d received her bachelor of science degree in biomedical sciences and psychology from St. Cloud State University. She's also the founder of The Nerd Herd, a company focused on empowering women to pursue STEM careers through providing resources, opportunities and education.