The April 19 episode of Grey’s Anatomy couldn’t have been more timely, as Jackson discovered his grandfather sexually harassed 13 different women throughout his career. This, of course, comes just a few months after the #MeToo movement in Hollywood kicked off, following the discovery that uber producer Harvey Weinstein sexually harassed dozens of women he had worked with over the last few decades. In this fictional universe, however, Harper Avery serves as the villain, as Jackson learned his mom Catherine paid her father’s victims off in hopes of covering up the scandal. Having not know about the situation earlier, though, Jackson asked the hospital’s lawyers to waive the agreements they had in place — meaning, the hospital will likely take a major once the 13 victims come forward and tell their stories to the world.
And to make matters worse, Jackson found out the truth about his grandfather after Arizona shared some cookies from an appreciative patient — cookies that, unbeknownst to her, contained pot. So everyone that ate them (pretty much all of our favorite doctors) was soon high as a kite… including Jackson and his mom. Anyway, when Meredith caught wind of the Harper Avery scandal, she discovered that Ellis’ best friend, Marie Cerone — the one with the patent that she needs — was also one of his sexual harassment victims. In turn, she realized that that was why Ellis had removed Marie from her project — Ellis would have never won an Harper Avery Award with Marie’s name attached to the method. It’s not yet clear how this will all play out, but as the episode closed, the evening news began reporting on the Harper Avery scandal.
As for how the marijuana cookies affected the hospital, most of the doctors were instructed not to perform surgery or even interact with patients. Jo, who was lucky enough not to have tasted any of the cookies, took over for a major surgery when Bailey and Meredith were down for the count. Vik, however, did eat the cookies but lied about doing so. And when he was faced with needing to save a patient’s life, he ended up stabbing himself with a scalpel. When Richard figured out that he had lied, he fired Vik.
Elsewhere, April told Bailey she’s “seeing someone”, but wouldn’t reveal who. We obviously hope it’s Matthew, but she could have also been referring to Vik. We’ll have to wait to find out. And Arizona accidentally said Callie’s name when she was talking about Carina. Could she still be in love with Callie? Could this be a bit of foreshadowing of how she leaves the series? Our fingers are crossed!
Oh yeah, and Owen, who also did not eat any cookies, was brought a foster child. Well, it was a foster baby, so he called Amelia in a panic, begging her to help him. She, being the amazing estranged wife that she is, dropped everything to lend her support. Later, Amelia decided to stay the night to pitch in if Owen needed anything. Pretty sweet, right?