Last time we checked in on the Jolie-Pitts, a hilarious tabloid article claimed that Angelina was cheating with the nanny.
While we appreciated the story’s feminist slant (Women can bang the nanny, too!), we weren’t surprised when it turned out to be total BS.
Fortunately, the fact that no one actually believes the most salacious Brangelina stories hasn’t stopped gossip rags like Star magazine from churning them out on a weekly basis.
The latest nonsense? Apparently, Angelina’s eating disorder has gotten so bad that Brad is moving out…so that he can shack up with someone who still enjoys bacon?

“She’s always been thin, but it’s never been this bad before,” one "insider" tells the magazine. “She’s at an all-time low of 83 lbs.”
“He’s tried for months to help her, and Brad is at the end of his rope. He told her if she doesn’t check into rehab for her eating disorder, he’s leaving and taking the kids with him."
Angie has appeared slightly thinner than usual in recent weeks, but she still looks healthy and she’s been busier than ever, so we sincerely doubt she’s starving herself.
And we really doubt that Brad would leave her over it if she were.
Look, we’ll make time for Brad and Angelina divorce rumors, but only when they’re rooted in something believable like nanny-banging. No nanny could resist either one of them.

Brangelina Photos: Through the Years
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