Black Hawk College’s IHSA Western Equestrian Team is hosting the Robin Moreland Memorial Ranch Series on Friday, November 11 and Friday, December 9 in the Ag Arena at the East Campus, 26230 Black Hawk Road in Galva. Events each evening will include dummy roping at 5 p.m. and competitive events starting at 5:30 p.m. Competitive events include ranch rail, ranch riding, ranch reining, barrels and poles. There also will be open arena time from 3:30-5 p.m. and exhibition barrels and poles after ranch reining.

The series is a fundraiser for the Western Equestrian Team and a portion of the proceeds will go to the Robin Moreland Endowed Equine Scholarship. All events are open to the public. Click here for details and entry fees for the Ranch Series.
For more information, contact Rebekah Irish at 309-854-1838 or or Heather Hochstatter at 309-854-1848 or