A Buyer’s Guide to Finding the Best Loofahs
Eager to take your showering efforts up a notch but not sure where to begin? Fortunately, loofahs are hard to get wrong when you’re relying on a detailed buying guide that lays it all down just for you. Keep reading to make your loofah-shopping experience a no-brainer.
What You Should Look For in a Shower Loofah
Despite world efforts to curb the use of non-biodegradable synthetics, many shower loofahs aren’t eco-friendly. That being said, if you look a little harder, you’ll find alternate varieties made with sustainable materials such as bamboo.
When it comes to material, do a favor to the planet and your skin. Plastic isn’t the best thing to use on your body, let alone rub against it. Moreover, cheap plastic mesh shower loofahs hardly last long. They're also more prone to unraveling and germ build-up.
Don’t like loofahs because they feel too rough? That’s probably because you used one that has a harsh texture. This is where it gets tricky—if they’re too abrasive, they can cause uncomfortable skin irritation instead of providing a luxurious shower experience.
Storage convenience
If you want ultimate convenience, you'll want a loofah with a hanging strip. Many people don’t realize that shower loofahs, be it porous or mesh-based, have a propensity to collect dust and germs when they’re not in use. To top it off, laying them on a solid surface prevents proper air drying, which can aggravate bacteria build-up.
Are synthetic loofahs the next big thing?
Have you seen those brush-shaped silicone loofahs online? They’re all the rage lately, so much so that some brands are justifying ripping customers off. But are they really worth it?
Food grade silicone is safe for the skin and doesn’t irritate it. Moreover, shower loofahs made of quality materials tend to last longer than mesh and porous varieties, don’t promote bacteria growth, and can be cleaned pretty easily.
As for the downsides, you have to compromise exfoliation. In general, silicone is a bit too soft on the skin. So while you may get a stellar massage, proper pore cleaning might be pushed to the back seat.
What the heck is a sea sponge?
Sea sponges are eco-friendly shower loofahs made with marine-safe material. These are quite the anomaly when it comes to bathing products. For one, they’re hybrid exfoliators.
When dry, don’t rub them against your skin—they're extremely abrasive until they are soaked in water. When drenched, you’ll certainly enjoy each glide, especially if your goal is to promote blood circulation and deep clean your pores.