How old is Beatrice Borromeo? When is Beatrice Borromeo's birthday? Where is Beatrice Borromeo born? Where did Beatrice Borromeo grow up from? What's Beatrice Borromeo's age?
Beatrice Borromeo Born: August 18, 1985 (age 37years), San Candido, Italy
How about Beatrice Borromeo's alma_mater?
Beatrice Borromeo Alma_mater: Bocconi University; Columbia University
How about Beatrice Borromeo's other_name?
Beatrice Borromeo Other_name: Beatrice Casiraghi
How tall is Beatrice Borromeo in meters or centimeters?
Beatrice Borromeo Height: 1.75m
Is Beatrice Borromeo married? When did Beatrice Borromeo get married? Who's Beatrice Borromeo's married to? (Who's Beatrice Borromeo's husband / wife)?
Beatrice Borromeo Spouse: Pierre Casiraghi (m. 2015)
How about Beatrice Borromeo's parents?
Beatrice Borromeo Parents: Donna Paola Marzotto, Don Carlo Ferdinando Borromeo
How about Beatrice Borromeo's sibling?
Beatrice Borromeo Sibling: Matilde Borromeo Arese Taverna, MORE
How old is Beatrice Borromeo?
Personal life. Casiraghi has been in a relationship with the journalist Beatrice Borromeo since May 2008.
How did Beatrice and Pierre meet?
Personal life. Casiraghi has been in a relationship with the journalist Beatrice Borromeo since May 2008.
Who is Princess Beatrice of Monaco?
Personal life. Casiraghi has been in a relationship with the journalist Beatrice Borromeo since May 2008.
Who is Pierre Casiraghi married to?
Personal life. Casiraghi has been in a relationship with the journalist Beatrice Borromeo since May 2008.