'They want to slit my throat': Woman who sparked outrage with Boston Marathon victim costume loses her job and gets death threats - as sexy selfies emerge online
- Alicia Ann Lynch, 22, of Bay City, Michigan, became the subject of cyber-bullying campaign after posting a photo of her costume on Twitter
- Told BuzzFeed she received voicemails from people threatening to hang her and tear off her face
- Blog found cache of Lynch's naked photos and videos online

Tasteless: 22-year-old Alicia Lynch posted a picture of her Boston Marathon victim Halloween costume last week, sparking outrage across twitter
A Michigan woman has been fired from her job and subjected to vicious cyber-bullying after causing an uproar online by posting a photo of herself at an office Halloween party dressed as a Boston Marathon bombing victim.
Alicia Ann Lynch, 22, sparked an outrage by donning the insensitive costume consisting of athletic gear and fake blood smeared on her face and legs.
'And the most offensive costume at work goes to...#toosoon?' she wrote. Her Twitter account, @Some SKANKinMI has since been suspended.
Since posting the picture, users on Twitter have come after the 22-year-old, calling her an 'absolutely disgusting human being' and saying her costume was 'insensitive, low, [and] heartless'.
Even one of the Boston Marathon victims, Sydney Corcoran, tweeted at the woman for her outrageous costume.
'@SomeSKANKinMI You should be ashamed, my mother lost both of her legs and I almost died in the marathon. You need a filter.'
Lynch's social media faux pas got her into more trouble when users discovered that she posted her driver's license online with the address clearly visible.

Exposed: The blog EveryJoe.com has since unearthed nearly two dozen photos of the Bay City, Michigan, resident posing nude

Backlash: Lynch, pictured in selfies posted on her social media pages, said she has been let go from her job and targeted by bullies threatening to kill and rape her
'I forgot you can anonymously send s*** (literally, s***) through the mail. I think @SomeSKANKinMI can expect a delivery' a user named Mark wrote.
The blog EveryJoe.com has since unearthed nearly two dozen photos of the Bay City, Michigan, resident posing nude or in little more than her underwear.
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ShareThe X-rated images and videos had been originally posted on her Tumblr account, which has since been shut down along with her Twitter and Facebook pages.
In some of the photos, the young brunette is seen topless or covering her breasts with her hands. At least one of the images depicts her naked buttocks.

'You need a filter': The bombings at last year's Boston Marathon resulted in the death of five people. One of the victim's of the bombing tweeted at Lynch saying she 'should be ashamed'
In response to the abusive comments, Lynch tweeted: 'Plz stop with the death threats towards my parents. They did nothing wrong. I was the one in the wrong and I am paying for being insensitive.'
For a while, Lynch took down her Twitter but then briefly reopened it in an attempt to apologize once and for all about the costume.
In addition to a simple 'I'm sorry' tweet, she also said: 'I have been fired from my job. I am paying for what I thought was a simple joke. I know it was wrong now. I wasn't thinking.'

Crossing the line: Lynch said she has been threatened with rape, which hits close to home since she was sexually assaulted last fall
When the backlash continued into November, many Twitter users started speaking out against the hate messages directed at Lynch.
User @HannahBuhnanz said that she ran the marathon and knows that 'angry responses are exactly what fueled the bombings to begin with.'
'You guys, stop,' she wrote. 'Cyber bullying another human being is not going to undo her actions. She has apologized.'
This week, she sent a message to Buzzfeed, which originally reported the online outrage, to once again apologize for her actions.
'It seems as though my outfit was too soon, and will always be that way, it was wrong of me and very distasteful,' she wrote. 'My costume was not meant to disrespect anyone, ever. I am truly sorry to anyone that I may have offended or hurt with this. I know my apology doesn't ever fix anything that has been done, but at least know that I am being sincere. I can't undo my actions or make up for them, but my apology is a start.'
In a strange twist, Lynch said she didn't post any of the apology tweets when her account was briefly reopened.
'I had apologized a few hours after posting and the apology went to deaf ears and blind eyes, so I had deleted all my social accounts,' she said. 'It seems someone is trying to look out for me and help me make things better, which I also great appreciate.'
In her interview with BuzzFeed, Lynch said she had received voicemails containing threats on her life.
‘They want to slit my throat and they want to hang me and tear off my face,’ she said, adding that her friend was told by a stranger that ‘they’re going to blow up her house and hang her child.’
However, the 22-year-old said the threats of rape were worst of all since she was the victim of a sexual assault last Thanksgiving.

Contrite: Lynch has apologized multiple times on Twitter and to Buzzfeed for the inappropriate costume

Gender card: Lynch said that if she were a man, she would not have been judged as harshly for her poor costume choice
‘When people bring up the rape stuff, it kind of hits a spot, but I don’t show it. I’m over it, but it’s something that I would never, ever wish upon someone no matter what they had done. They can dress however they want.’
Lynch played down the enitre incident, calming that her intent was simply to celebrate the Day of the Dead by being ‘funny.’
‘I was a survivor of a marathon,’ she said. ‘And it’s not like I was walking around with a fake leg or my arm torn off or something like that.’
Lynch said that before donning the outfit, she ran the idea by the father of a friend, who ran in the Boston Marathon, and he was not offended by it.
The 22-year-old also insisted that if she were a man, she would not have been judged so harshly by her critics.
Going forward, Lynch sounded confident that she will have no problem finding a new job even if a potential employer decided to look up her name online.
'I have nothing to hide,' she said. 'It happened, I made a mistake. I just have to learn from it. I’m not a terrible person.'